“My Website About…”

0. What is the topic of your website (so people have some context for the rest of your answers)?


1. What is taking more time than you thought it would? Why do you think that is?

It takes me a lot of times to fill out the information for each page.

2. What is going quicker than you thought it would? Why is that?

Finding pictures was easy. Good pictures of shoes are everywhere!

3. Paste in a link to the page/post/category that you’re proudest of so far.

https://jimmysgang.wordpress.com/home/nike/nikes-founder/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

4. What type of information are you putting on your site as posts? Why is that information better suited to posts than pages?

News about shoes, Nike company, or Off-White company.

5. How many pages do you have finished? Nearly finished? Started? Not yet started?

  • Finished: 5
  • Nearly Finished:1
  • Started: 33
  • Not yet started: 27

6. How many posts have your written? How many do you plan to have?

  • Posts Written:  0
  • Posts Planned (approximately): 5

7. Have you decided on a theme? No matter how you answer that, tell us what you looked (or will look) for in a theme.

I have not decided on the theme yet. I will choose what fit my website most.

8. What do you need to know that would help you get done faster or do a better job on your website?

I want to know how to make a website looks great.

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